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"Whenever God restores something,
He restores it to a place greater than it was before."

Bill Johnson

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About The Blog

How it started

Vine and Branches originates from the Scripture in John 15:5 –

I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

The Chinese character of the word “branch” is “枝” which, coincidentally or perhaps more God-incidentally, is part of my Chinese name “枝页”, given by my late father. I am indeed a branch, abiding in the true Vine.

I recall how my late father had always encouraged me to write and pen down my thoughts – so here I am, finally creating a page (“page” in Chinese: “页”) which consists of a collection of my personal devotions (many of which were shared in the course of ministry) and Christian-based revelations I have from time to time. Other times, they are perhaps just random thoughts that cross my mind – being quite a thinker (or rather, daydreamer) myself.

Some of my posts may be somewhat relatable to you. It is my hope that you find encouragement reading through these devotions and my journey in the Lord. 

***Vine and Branches is a page dedicated to my Heavenly Father, and both my late parents, whom I fondly love and dearly miss.***

Let’s Connect
Yours Truly

Yours Truly

Greece Escapade, Feb 2019

Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad

Mom's Birthday 20.11.2011

SOT Graduation 17 Sept 2016

SOT Graduation 17 Sept 2016

My SOT (School of Theology) graduation fell on the second anniversary of my dad's passing. It was a day of mixed emotions, yet I knew that God was up to something - He was turning my mourning into dancing.

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